Zoysia is the popular grass with the cool-sounding name that might be the perfect turf for you.
A homeowner favorite, a zoysia lawn has a lot going for it, from its green, dense appearance to the way it performs in your yard.
Is Zoysia sod right for you?
Let’s take a closer look.
What’s So Great About Zoysia Grass?
Lots of stuff:
- It looks great in a wide range of environmental conditions, tolerating wide variations in soil, temperature, sunlight, and water.
- It’s green the majority of the year, going brown and dormant in the winter.
- It’s dense, for a nice, thick appearance. This density helps it choke out crabgrass and weeds, and often prevents them from germinating in the first place.
- It has great drought recovery.
- Zoysia has a slower growth rate (less mowing!)
- It stands up to wear.
- It’s considered a higher-end type of grass, without all the headaches and maintenance of Bermuda.
- It’s not susceptible to the chinch bug.
- Zoysia has a vigorous root system and is difficult to over-water.
Zoysia Lawn Care
Expect more maintenance with Zoysia than St. Augustine or Bahia grass. Zoysia lawn care involves some work to help it look its emerald green best:
- Weekly mowing during the growing season, preferably with a collection system on the mower.
- Regular watering.
- Regular fertilizing.
- Insect and disease control.
- Periodic verticutting, using a special mower with blades that cut down into the thatch, or scalping with a regular mower to prevent or eliminate thatch.
- Zoysia should be maintained no higher than 2.5” in height, ideally 1.75- 2.25”, or as low as you can get the grass without scalping, with the exception of when it’s time to verticut.
The Disadvantages of Zoysia Grass
No grass is perfect, right?
Zoysia grass has a few downsides:
- It’s susceptible to some insects, such as the sod webworm, the Florida billbug, and Tuttle mealybug.
- It sometimes has brown patch fungus issues when the temperatures cool off.
- Many varieties develop brown patches from dog waste.
Zoysia Sod: Two Top Types
We recommend the Palisades and Empire varieties of Zoysia.
A Look at Empire Zoysia Grass
- Dark green with a medium blade, it’s soft to the touch.
- It doesn’t do well in shade.
- It spreads quickly with a thick root structure.
- Empire has excellent resistance to chinch bugs and good disease resistance, too.
A Look at Palisades Zoysia Grass
- Palisades Zoysia has a coarser leaf texture than Empire.
- It tolerates low mowing — as low as half an inch — which makes it a popular turf for golf courses, but also good for homeowners who like to keep a short lawn.
- Palisades is suitable in areas with full sun to partial shade.
- It’s one of the most drought-resistant grasses.
The Best Uses for Zoysia Sod
While Zoysia is a great all-around grass, it’s especially suited to a few locations:
- High-end lawns
- Children's’ play areas
- Golf courses
- High-traffic areas
Trust Your New Zoysia Sod Lawn to Ground Source
Still not sure Zoysia sod is right for you? Choosing a new lawn is a big decision. You’ll be hosting a lot of birthday parties and sipping a lot of lemonade out there.
We’d love to help guide your choice.
We’re sod experts, but our skills don’t stop there. We’re with you every step of the way as you plan your perfect outdoor space.
Sod, irrigation, landscape design: Let us transform your yard from an embarrassing eyesore to a place you spend every spare minute.
Are you ready to enjoy the vibrant, impressive yard you've always wanted? Request a quote today! We’ll help you review your options and then transform your property.
Image Sources: zoysia grass