7 Things to Know About Drip Irrigation Systems in Florida

Posted by Joe Mouad on Sep 2, 2020 10:50:27 AM

Drip. Drip. Drip. 

Uh oh. A constant, steady dripping usually means something’s wrong at your house.

Leaky faucet, maybe, or a leaky roof. 

Not this time. When you have a drip irrigation system, a steady drip means your plants are getting watered perfectly, with no wasted water. 

No need for your tool box. 

What exactly is drip irrigation? Is it right for your Florida landscaping?

Here’s what you need to know.

1. Drip Irrigation Doesn’t Spray — It Drips

Unlike a typical sprinkler system that sprays water from irrigation heads, drip irrigation uses hoses pierced with tiny holes that allow small quantities of water to trickle slowly into the soil. 

irrigation dripper

The hoses are installed on top of your soil, then covered with mulch to hide them.

They’re designed to efficiently water planting beds. You wouldn’t use drip irrigation for your lawn.

2. It Saves Water 

Drip irrigation uses less water than typical sprinkler systems because it’s applied directly to the plants. There’s no water waste from evaporation because water isn’t spraying into the air. 

3. Drip Irrigation is Healthier for Plants  

A drip irrigation system delivers all the water to your plants’ roots, not their leaves. Wet leaves encourage fungal diseases that can kill your plants.

Drip irrigation prevents soil erosion and nutrient runoff, too. And water penetrates deep into the soil to hydrate your plants’ thirsty roots.

4. It is Adaptable

Gardens are always changing, right? A few more feet added to the planting bed here, a few more flowers over there.planting bed with drip irrigation

When the inevitable changes happen, a drip irrigation system is easily modified for your new plan.

5. It’s Not as Sturdy as Traditional Irrigation

A drip irrigation system is installed on top of your soil, but beneath your mulch.

If your mulch gets thin, the sun can dry out and crack the plastic tubing.

A lawn edger can cut the tubes if they’re exposed. So a little extra care is needed to keep things running smoothly. 

6. Drip Irrigation Keeps You Dry 

Imagine lounging on your pretty patio, admiring your bountiful planting beds. Then, bam, your sprinkler system turns on, a head is out of whack, and you get soaked. 

Nobody gets an unexpected shower with drip irrigation. The water goes right where it’s supposed to, and nowhere else.

7. It's Great for Planters 

Tired of hand watering all those planters? 

planters with drip irrigation

Drip irrigation to the rescue. We can run tubes up through the bottoms of your planters that tie into your irrigation system. Tiny emitters connected to the tubes water your plants.

Ready for a Drip Irrigation System? Trust Ground Source 

Once your drip irrigation system is installed, it’s practically invisible. But that doesn’t mean you can just ignore it. 

Drip irrigation needs routine maintenance, just like your lawn irrigation system. 

Trust Ground Source for expert installation in Central Florida, and for the routine inspections to make sure the pressure is right, emitters are working properly, and your controller is set for the right season. 

We’re irrigation experts, but our skills don’t stop there. We’re with you every step of the way as you plan your perfect outdoor space.

Sod, irrigation, landscape design: Let us transform your yard from an embarrassing eyesore to a place you spend every spare minute.

Are you ready to enjoy the vibrant, impressive yard you've always wanted? Request a quote today! We’ll help you review your options and then transform your property.

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Image sources: plant with drip irrigation, irrigation dripper, container plant drip irrigation                    

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