5 Common Problems With New Sod in Central Florida

Posted by Joe Mouad on Dec 8, 2022 9:13:00 AM

A new sod lawn is exciting, right? Maybe you’ve already bought new backyard furniture and sent the invitations to your first big backyard cookout. (Don’t forget brownies. Everybody loves brownies.)

Then you realize your new sod is turning brown.


What to do if your newly laid sod is dying?

Here’s a look at 5 common problems with new sod in Florida, and what to do, instead of panicking:

1. You’re Watering Your Sod Too Much

2. You’re Not Watering Enough

3. Your New Sod Has a Lawn Disease

4. Sod Webworms Are Causing Brown Spots

5. You Had a Bad Sod Installation

1. You’re Watering Your Sod Too Much

This is an easy mistake to make. You know new sod needs plenty of water as it gets established, so it’s tempting to really pour it on. Overwatering is one of the most common problems with new sod.

sod being watered by automatic sprinkler systemOverwatering can cause root rot, and lawns often don’t recover.

Check for root rot by lifting the sod and inspecting the roots. If the roots are brown and soft and look like they’re rotting, you’re likely watering the sod too much.

Don’t let it get that far. If you’ve been watering a lot, back off a bit and give your sod a chance to recover from being soggy.

2. You’re Not Watering Enough

If your new sod is turning brown, it might need more water. Yes, we just told you too much water is bad. Not enough water is just as bad. (Nobody promised new sod care is easy, right?)

If your new sod problem is just that it’s too dry, you may be able to revive it with proper watering.

healthy green sod near sidewalkIn general, watering new sod is a gradual process. You’ll water a couple times a day for the first week, drop back to once a day the second week, and four times a week the third week.

With Ground Source, you’ll get detailed instructions for watering new sod in our sod care guide.

3. Your New Sod Has a Lawn Disease

If your newly laid sod is dying, a fungus might have taken hold. Your new sod is getting a lot of water at first as it gets established, and that extra moisture can cause lawn fungus.

grass with lawn disease How do you know if fungus has set in? As with many lawn care problems, it’s tricky to tell.

Access The Ultimate Guide to Sod Installation & Maintenance
Take a really close look. Sod damaged by fungus will often have a brown dead spot where the grass has died, but a lighter yellow-ish-brown ring around that where the fungus is spreading.

Apply a systemic and curative fungicide within seven days of your sod installation to head off any problems.

4. Sod Webworms Are Causing Brown Spots

What are two words that make your new sod lawn shudder with fear? Sod webworm.

If your new sod is dying, these pests might have laid eggs in your sod. Ick. When they hatch, the larvae devour your grass. Rude, right?

Sod Webworm Adult We only buy sod from farms that use an expensive webworm preventative, to keep the sod free of the damaging pests.

Apply an insecticide within seven days of your sod installation as a precaution against other pests.

5. You Had a Bad Sod Installation

If your newly laid sod is dying, you may have had bad installation.

It happens, whether you’ve tried to do it yourself or you hired Central Florida sod installers who took shortcuts.

Maybe the sod wasn’t fresh enough, or it was laid over existing grass and couldn’t properly take root.

sod installation team rakes up dead grass and debris form soil If your newly laid sod is dying due to a serious problem because of bad sod installation, you’ll likely need to start over.

Each step in sod installation is important. It’s a skill. It’s hard work. It has to be done just right. If everybody could do it easily and well, there'd be no professional sod installers, right?

The best way to avoid new sod problems is to hire a professional with years of experience laying sod in Central Florida.

Trust Your Central Florida Sod Installation to Ground Source

When you were looking up brownie recipes for your big backyard cookout, new sod problems weren’t part of your plan. They’re not part of our plan for you, either.

That’s why we provide you with all the information you need to take great care of your fresh, healthy, beautiful sod lawn. 

After all, you just made a big investment, and you have big plans for your impressive new yard. Let us help.

We’re sod experts, but our skills don’t stop there. We’re with you every step of the way as you plan your perfect outdoor space.

Sod, irrigation, landscape design: Let us transform your Central Florida lawn from an embarrassing eyesore to a place you spend every spare minute.

Are you ready to enjoy the vibrant, impressive yard you've always wanted? Request a quote today! We’ll help you review your options and then transform your Central Florida property.

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Buy Sod OnlineThe Ultimate Guide to Sod

Image Source: webworm

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