What is the Best Ground Cover to Replace Grass in Florida?

Posted by Joe Mouad on Jun 1, 2023 11:00:00 AM

Lawns can be so needy, right?

“Water meeee!”
“Fertilize me!”
“Mow me!”
“Why haven’t you weeded me, you lazy slacker?”

Yikes, lawn, tone down the attitude. 

Maybe it’s time to replace your needy grass with a ground cover.

Not only do Florida ground cover plants need less maintenance, they’re good for the environment, too. 

These alternatives to grass use less water and fertilizer, reduce your carbon footprint, and attract birds, bees, and butterflies. 

What are the best grass alternatives in Florida?

Ground Source landscape designer Eric Frisch has a few suggestions:

Mondo Grass

This is Frisch’s top pick for the best Florida ground cover to replace grass.

A great Florida grass alternative that never needs mowing, mondo grass grows well in almost any soil and light conditions. 

It’s not actually grass, but its grass-like strappy foliage forms dense tufts that slowly spread over time. 

Small lavender or white flowers appear in summer. 

You can walk on mondo grass occasionally, but it won’t like regular foot traffic. 

If there’s an area you’ll need to walk through regularly, add stepping stones or another type of footpath.

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Once established, you can pretty much forget about it.

Asiatic Jasmine

If you have a small area that won’t be walked on, Asiatic jasmine is a beautiful Florida ground cover plant. 

“Jasmine isn’t ideal to walk on because it's wiry and can cause you to trip on the branches,” Frisch says. 

But it’s a stunner. All the grass lawns in the neighborhood will be jealous.asiatic jasmine
The variegated variety is especially stunning, with new leaves that emerge pink then turn variegated white and emerald green. Bonus: very fragrant, tubular, creamy yellow flowers bloom prolifically in the Florida heat.

Compared to grass, Asiatic jasmine is more drought-tolerant, thrives in the shade or sun and is generally pest- and disease-resistant. 

Hate all the watering and fertilizing a grass lawn needs? After the first year, this Florida ground cover plant needs neither. 

Unless money’s no object, you wouldn’t want to replace a large lawn area with this plant, though. The cost for many plants will add up fast.


Also called lilyturf, it’s an easy-care vigorous grower that spreads fast into a carpet of green and is happy in most any growing conditions. Liriope groundcover
While many varieties grow taller than a turf lawn, as high as 18 inches, one variety, “NoMo,” grows 3 to 6 inches tall and feels like grass underfoot. 

Engineered to act just like lawn grass, it tolerates foot traffic, pets, and other activities, making it a great Florida grass alternative.

Blue Daze

Want to look out your window at a “lawn” of vivid blue flowers

The abundant flowers of this tropical beauty are brilliant blue and funnel-shaped, opening in the morning and closing up in the evening.CC-Blue Daze
Heat-loving and drought-tolerant, it grows up to about 12 inches and can spread up to three feet. 

But Frisch cautions it’s not meant for foot traffic, so it’s a good Florida grass alternative only if you can avoid walking on it. 

Need a Great Florida Ground Cover? Trust Ground Source

Ground covers are great, but they can be picky. And planting enough to replace a lawn can be pricey. 

Make sure you’re choosing the best Florida grass alternatives by partnering with landscaping services in Central Florida who know what will work perfectly for your property.

We’re landscape experts, but our skills don’t stop there. We’re with you every step of the way as you plan your perfect outdoor space.

Sod, irrigation, landscape design: Let us transform your yard from an embarrassing eyesore to a place you spend every spare minute.

Are you ready to enjoy the vibrant, impressive yard you've always wanted? Request a quote today! We’ll help you review your options and then transform your property.

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Image Source: Jasmine, Liriope, Blue Daze

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