DIY Paver Walkway Installation vs. Hiring a Professional: How to Choose

Posted by Joe Mouad on Oct 28, 2021 1:50:41 PM

Sure, if you’re pretty handy you can design and install your own paver walkway.

You’ll need some tools, from easy stuff like a shovel, work gloves, and hand saw to more specific things like edging, gravel and, if you have an old walkway to tear out, a jackhammer.

Watch any YouTube video or check in on a helpful how-to website and they’ll walk you through the DIY walkway installation steps:

  • Remove the old walkway
  • Create the edges
  • Prep the bed for the pavers
  • Pick the right pavers
  • Do some math
  • Lay the pavers
  • Cut pavers for curves
  • Fill in the gaps with sand

So, that was obviously a really condensed version of DIY paver walkway installation.

There’s quite a bit of work involved, from digging and measuring to tamping and leveling. But if you’re handy and you love this kind of thing, it’s a doable project.

Put on those safety goggles, get some Advil ready for later, and dive in.

But if the thought hasn’t occurred to you to hire professional paver walkway installation, here are some things to consider.

A Landscape Designer Can Help You with the Wow

If your front walkway came with your house, it’s probably pretty ho-hum. Considering just replacing the cracked concrete with pretty new pavers?

A landscape designer can bring some creativity to your walkway. Why not flare it out a bit, add some curves, add some character?

paver walkway with curves installed by professional

Make it wider. Designers love to make an impact by flaring that walkway out to six feet where it meets the driveway, and four feet the rest of the way.

If you already have a paver driveway, should you match your new walkway to it? (Yes.)

A Central Florida professional paver walkway installer will bring wow-worthy ideas that hadn’t occurred to you.

Use This Guide To Create The Landscape of Your Dreams

Do You Know Much About Pavers?

There’s a lot to know.

Like what size works best. What pattern to use? Stack bond? Herringbone? Stagger?

What about a contrasting border to really set it off? Should it be soldier course? (Yes, that’s a real thing.)

Save the stress. A professional paver walkway installer knows all the patterns and colors available and how to combine them for a walkway that wows.

What About Future Landscaping Plans?

Landscaping projects are always evolving.

You’re planning a simple paver walkway now, but later on you might want to add landscape lighting or upgrade your irrigation.

paver walkway with landscaping plants

At Ground Source in Central Florida, we install PVC conduit under your paver walkway to make adding irrigation or landscape lighting easier later.

That way, we won’t have to tear up all the pavers to do work underneath them.

Don’t Let Your Pavers be Shifty

Pavers love to shift. The right edging is key here. Edging helps keep the pavers snugly in place.

Here in Central Florida, it’s important to use concrete molded edging, not the cheap plastic edging with spikes you can buy at the home improvement store. The soil is too sandy and soft here for that. You’ll end up with paver edging problems. Bonus: the concrete edge looks much nicer.

Have You Thought About Downspouts?

We promise, we’re not trying to complicate your life here, but where are your downspouts?

You might not even think of this, but a lot of times there’ll be a downspout on the corner of the garage that pours down onto your pavers.

Over time, that water flow can loosen the sand between pavers, causing them to shift.

A good Central Florida professional paver walkway installer will know to move the downspout so it doesn’t empty onto your pavers.

The Right Pitch

You would think your paver walkway needs to be perfectly level, but that’s not exactly true.

paver walking and plantings installed by professional landscaper

Pros know your paver project should pitch to the side a bit, so water can drain.

The area should look and seem flat and level, but will be installed with just enough tilt for proper drainage.

Sealing the Deal

A lot of those DIY walkway installation videos don’t say anything about sealing your new paver walkway. Why not? No idea. It’s pretty important.

  • Once your new paver walkway is installed, don’t forget the sealer.
    It prevents fading. Without sealer, the sun’s harsh rays will fade your paver walkway’s great color.
  • It protects from weathering. You don’t want pounding rain to weather the surface.
  • It locks in the sand between each paver for a tight fit, keeping your pavers in place.
  • It keeps dirt out. If dirt settles into those cracks between the pavers, unsightly weeds sprout.
  • It deters pesky ants. They love building mounds in those spaces between pavers.

Go with professional paver walkway installation and they’ll seal it right away, and it will need a new coat every three to four years.

Need Professional Paver Walkway Installation? Trust Ground Source

If you still want to tackle that DIY paver walkway installation, we wish you the best. Sending good vibes for recovery after your afternoon of toil.

Need some help? Partner with a Central Florida professional paver walkway installer with a creative designer on staff who can turn a blah walkway into an appealing, welcoming design statement.

Walk this way.

We’re paver experts, but our skills don’t stop there. We’re with you every step of the way as you plan your perfect outdoor space.

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