The Ground Source Blog

Posted by Joe Mouad on Jun 9, 2022 11:32:00 AM

7 Plants That Bloom Year-Round in Central Florida

First, can we get a round of applause for Florida flowers that bloom all year? That’s a lot of work, right?

Nobody expects you to be perky and beautiful all the time. It would be exhausting.

So give them a little nod of appreciation when you walk past.

Want plants that bloom year-round in Central Florida?

Check out these blooming beauties — and some colorful bonus ideas at the end.

Posted by Joe Mouad on May 5, 2022 2:30:00 PM

Should You Replace or Rejuvenate Your Shrubs? How to Know

It’s easy to take your shrubs for granted.

Your sturdy Sweet Viburnum hedge never lets you down, right? Your Lorapetalum blooms reliably year after year, with its pretty scented flowers.

Then, suddenly, yikes. Your good old dependable shrubs don’t look so great.

Posted by Joe Mouad on Oct 14, 2021 11:20:34 AM

6 Best Shade Trees For Your Central Florida Landscape

Florida is famous for its bright, cheerful tropical sun.

Grab your sunglasses! Set up the lounge chair! Soak up the warmth!

But after a while, it gets pretty hot. Really hot.

Shade! Where the heck is some shade?

Florida isn’t exactly known for its shade trees, which is pretty ironic, right?

So, what are the best trees for shade in Central Florida?

Ground Source landscape designer Eric Frisch shares a few of his favorites.