Let’s face it, the only truly hurricane-resistant landscaping is a bunch of fake plants arranged in a living room bunker underground.
Let’s face it, the only truly hurricane-resistant landscaping is a bunch of fake plants arranged in a living room bunker underground.
Palm trees scream vacation. Maybe even louder than you scream “vacation!” as you load your packed suitcases into the car.
In case a little bird hasn’t told you yet, many of our beautiful winged friends are in trouble as their natural habitats disappear.
Lots of people assume Florida is a tropical paradise where flowers bloom all winter in a dazzling spectacle of perfect perky petals.
Not exactly. Well, maybe on the tourism websites.
What flowers bloom in winter in Florida?
If it seems like you spend half your life watering your potted plants, you might be right.
As much as you love your leafy beauties, the constant watering is a big drag, right?
First, can we get a round of applause for Florida flowers that bloom all year? That’s a lot of work, right?
Nobody expects you to be perky and beautiful all the time. It would be exhausting.
So give them a little nod of appreciation when you walk past.
Want plants that bloom year-round in Central Florida?
Check out these blooming beauties — and some colorful bonus ideas at the end.
It’s easy to take your shrubs for granted.
Your sturdy Sweet Viburnum hedge never lets you down, right? Your Lorapetalum blooms reliably year after year, with its pretty scented flowers.
Then, suddenly, yikes. Your good old dependable shrubs don’t look so great.
A great fence can change everything.
Now your new puppy can romp safely around your yard.
You can eat your morning cereal on the patio in your underwear in privacy. (Yes! Finally!)
But new fences can look kind of bare.
How do you landscape around a fence?
If you could plant something in your yard called Fakahatchee Grass, why wouldn’t you?
Not all native Florida plants are as much fun to say, but there are lots of other great reasons to add these sturdy, drought-tolerant, and pretty plants to your landscape.
Florida is famous for its bright, cheerful tropical sun.
Grab your sunglasses! Set up the lounge chair! Soak up the warmth!
But after a while, it gets pretty hot. Really hot.
Shade! Where the heck is some shade?
Florida isn’t exactly known for its shade trees, which is pretty ironic, right?
So, what are the best trees for shade in Central Florida?
Ground Source landscape designer Eric Frisch shares a few of his favorites.