Don’t let your small yard get you down.
When you don’t have as much space as big yard boasters, you just need to be smarter about making every inch count.
Don’t let your small yard get you down.
When you don’t have as much space as big yard boasters, you just need to be smarter about making every inch count.
Planning your big new Florida landscaping project? Man, there’s a lot to think about, right?
How much will it cost? What do you really need? Your head must be spinning.
Maybe head outside and relax on the paver patio, or chill beneath your poolside pergola while you sort it all out.
When it comes to enhancing your outdoor spaces, landscape lighting plays a crucial role in boosting both aesthetics and functionality. This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about landscape lighting, from innovative design ideas to common mistakes to avoid.
If you’ve never heard the term “light trespass,” don’t feel bad. It’s not exactly what people are talking about in line at Starbucks.
But you might have experienced it — if a neighbor’s misdirected landscape lighting blasted into your bedroom window at night or blinded you as you pulled into your driveway.
Cue the swear words.
Once you know what hardscaping is, the word makes perfect sense.
It’s the hard elements in your landscaping — the paver patios and walkways, the fire pit, the structures like decks, pergolas, and pavilions.
Your yard is dark and gloomy. You want it bright and welcoming.
Add a few lights, right? Sounds simple enough.
Uplights? Downlights? Path lights? Well lights? Step lights? Wall wash lights?
Um, yes?
What are all these different types of landscape lighting?
Let’s shed some light on it.
Dogs protect their bones by burying them. Pirates protect their treasure by burying it.
So when it’s time to protect your landscape lighting wire, you bury it, right?
There are obvious signs you need a landscape lighting upgrade.
Like if you went outside to take out the trash and couldn’t find your way back.
But not all signs are that obvious.
How do you know if you need to upgrade your outdoor lighting?
Let’s take a look.
When it comes to landscape lighting, the front yard tends to hog the spotlight. It’s kind of braggy:
Look at my cool brickwork!
There’s a reason people are often afraid of the dark. It’s scary out there.
And not just in the woods. Even your cozy home can be dangerous if it’s in the dark.
People can trip and fall. Intruders can sneak around unnoticed. Monsters live in your holly hedge. (OK, we made up that last one.)
But it makes you wonder if you need more landscape lighting for security, right?
Let’s take a look at why landscape lighting is good for security.